Girl Scout Name:
Girl Scout Badge: Coding for Good 1: Coding Basics
Normally, girls must complete one activity from each of the 5 Steps of the badge. My alternative requirements are detailed below.
1. Assist the troop volunteer with a workshop.
February 23, 2022
I assited my mom (a troop volunteer) in the online workshop for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors for my troop about women in computer science and algorithms. See the workshop presentation.
2. Lead a workshop.
March 9, 2022
I led an online workshop for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors in my troop about making programs in Scratch. This helped them complete their Coding For Good 1 badge. See my workshop presentation.
3. Complete the meme generator requirements for the Cadette badge.
June 5, 2022
Cadettes have different requirements for this badge from younger scouts:
- Explore how memes are created
- Write pseudocode for a meme
- Write shareable code
- Share your meme
To fulfill these requirements, I made a meme generator on Scratch that I am sharing with you!
I chose this badge because...
I thought it would be fun to teach a class, and making memes sounded fun too.
My favorite activity was...
I really liked teaching the class, because I like teaching in general.
This badge taught me about...
How to teach a class well, and what a meme generator is and how to make one.
The activities for this badge fit under these parts of the Girl Scout Law...
- friendly and helpful - I was helpful to the other girls in my troop by teaching them about coding.
- be a sister to every girl scout - I helped my troop by leading a class.